Saturday, May 06, 2006

The World according to World Nut Daily

One of the interesting things that have happened over the past five years is that folks who were once relatively sane have turned into raving right-wing loons. Joseph Farrah over at World Nut Daily is one of those loons. Starting from a fundamental precept of most Lebanese Christians -- i.e., "Israel good, Arabs bad" -- he has taken lunacy to new heights.

Here is what I learn from the News Alerts that World Nut Daily sends me:

  1. A National ID card is the mark of the beast as mentioned in the Book of Revelations.
  2. Over a million American citizens demonstrating in the streets in favor of immigrant rights are a minority, while a few thousand American citizens demonstrating in the streets to send the immigrants back home are a majority.
  3. Those dusky brown people are all criminals and will KILL US ALL unless we put the Army on the border and start shooting them down like dogs.
  4. Army chaplains are court-martialled for praying, not for going AWOL against orders to an event that they were ordered not to attend.
  5. All members of the Kennedy family are deranged murderers.
  6. The reason college is expensive has nothing to do with bloated administrative costs, gold-plated buildings, enormously-expensive computer equipment needed for modern research, or anything like that. It's because college professors make too much money. (Hmm, I need to tell my former college professors that... they'd probably die laughing, given that they were barely paid above poverty level to try to drum some basic facts into our thick heads!).
  7. The founder of the Minutemen is a patriotic American who is running for President and will win, rather than being a neo-Nazi vilante loon who hates brown people and wants to shoot them dead like dogs.
  8. A law is needed to make people recite the Pledge of Allegience in English rather than Spanish.
Yessiree, World Nut Daily keeps me informed about all the pressing issues of the day. Things like, say, Presidents lying us into war? Not important. Latest deeds of the deranged serial killer Kennedies? Why, the most important thing in the world!

And that's the world according to World Nut Daily...

- Badtux the "I read WND so you don't have to" Penguin


  1. Did they include football stadiums (er, stadia, since we're talking about universities) under point 6?

    Not too mention that a lot of institutions of higher education seem to employ mostly adjunct professors these days.

  2. "I read WND so you don't have to"

    ...and thank you for that, Mr Badtux. I have all I can do to keep my lunch down after being subjected to Limburger on Fri afternoon!

  3. ....Oh-kay.

    We live in insane times.

  4. The worst part is that the nuts believe World Nut Daily

  5. My personal favorite is that moron Vox who writes for them... the one who believes women should not be allowed to vote or work outside the home.


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