Monday, May 29, 2006

What is Henry Kissinger doing nowdays?

You know. Henry Kissinger? Got a couple million dead people on his conscience? (Heheheh penguin made a funny! Everybody knows Kissinger has no conscience!).

Anyhow, what's he doing nowdays? Well, Bush was going to make him head of the 9/11 commission, but that fell through. So Kissinger has been slumming. His latest gig is as a restaurant reviewer in Moscow.

Also came across some interesting articles about Mexican military might, and the best way to deal with the Russians selling nuclear reactors to Iran -- preventative genocide, i.e., nuke Russia, which would kill approximately 2/3rds of its population and pretty much end any reactor sales from Russia for the foreseeable future, as well as liberating Russia from the evil elected dictator Vladmir Putin.

And if that doesn't work out, well, we can always just blame Canada. After all, it is well known that American society has been infiltrated by those evil Canadians and that the Canadians are massing at our borders (why, 90% of their population is massed within 50 miles of our border!)...

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Since a decade or more ago 90% of Canadians lived within 20 miles of the border, Perhaps they are wisely putting some distance between them and US.

  2. Hey, wait a minute. I just got back from a two week espinoge...err...vacation trip to Canada. Contrary to published reports, it's not all frozen white up there. It's actually more like a temperate paradise with great scenery, friendly natives (who, contrary to certain rumors, don't all live in igloos), and wonderful weather. Plus, their beer is actually enjoyable, although priced much too high. Just don't plan on getting sick up there. Oh, and with the way the exchange rate is going, anyone who's interested had better get up there fast before they finally realize that the American dollar really isn't worth anything.



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