Monday, May 15, 2006

Too bad it wasn't the Chimperor

Bears eat monkey in front of horrified zoo visitors.

Can we get those bears a visitor's pass to the White House, please?

On second thought, nevermind. Three words that should horrify any thinking person:

President Dick Cheney.


- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. of course he's always been the president.. it might be interesting to see him without his trained (speech, but not potty..) monkey to take the heat..

    might be damned interesting..

  2. Penguin, by obliquely insinuating that it would be wicked neato if Dear Leader was eaten by bears, you have unmasked yourself as an objectively pro-terrorist al Queda sympathizing 'Murrica hater. I have no choice but to report you to the NSA. When the jackboots kick your door off its hinges at 4am, just lie back and don't fight them. Fighting only makes them angry.

  3. The idea of a Cheney presidency doesn't worry me. The way he's been going lately, he'd probably sleep through half of whatever's left of Bush's term. I like him better that way -- he can only dream of screwing America in that state.

    And if we managed to force him out of office, too, we'd have President Hastert. That might actually be funny...


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