Friday, May 19, 2006

Fang preens

Cats are unique amongst domesticated animals in that, in the wild, they can take down prey and feed themselves. Here, the mighty hunter Fang preens from atop the carcass of his latest prey, which can potentially keep him fed for weeks:

BONUS: Here, Fang nibbles on previous prey that he took down in the wild:

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. That's a cute little hunter kitty. He keeps himself in shape to chase down his prey!

  2. Yes, in penguin shape. He weighs 18 pounds. He still manages to catch the occasional slow-moving refrigerator or photographer, though! And in next Friday's episode, the mighty hunter subdues... a wall. But oh, what a battle it was!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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