Friday, May 12, 2006

Somebody's laying down on the job

Hey! Where's the food?!

-- Badtux the cat-owned Penguin


  1. I'm laughing out loud on this quiet Saturday. Great photo and the look on The Sleeky Black Cat is priceless.

  2. The next photo is his ear, because he came up to me to complain. I'd hoped to get his nose, but, alas, my flash didn't regenerate fast enough.


  3. Your cover is blown, "Penguin." I distinctly see a pair of primate legs in that picture.

  4. Nah, that's a flipper with demin "camo."

  5. I don't see a pair of primate legs in that picture. Maybe a pair of primate feet, but not a pair of primate legs. So, Pope, how do you know that I don't just collect primate feet the way that some people collect rabbits' feet?

    - Badtux the Lucky-charm-carryin' Penguin

  6. Denim not demin!!!!

    Must wear the reading glasses as this is the third typo I've made today all sans corrective lenses.


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