Friday, April 18, 2008

Talking about fnord

Talking about fnord simply isn't done in America. Fnord is like that third rail of politics -- talk about fnord, suddenly you have a shitload of people dumping on you calling you a fnordist and worse. Even worse is if you suggest that fnord are not happy about all the lies and broken promises of the past 30 years. Talk about fnord that way, and you're accused of engaging in "fnord war".

Gotta go. Talked too much about fnord today...

- Badtux the Fnord Penguin


  1. Well, we all know Clinton and McCain wouldn't say "fnord" if they were standing in it up to their collars.

  2. When int comes to politicians, maybe instead of skimming the scum off the top, we should try the lees at the bottom, to see if things improve.

    I'm so old I remember when you could run for President as a Democrat and a liberal.


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