Friday, April 25, 2008

It's a MacMencken!


Mencken is unimpressed by high-thread-count sheets, shiny Macbooks, or some silly penguin flashing bright lights at him. The Mighty Fang, on the other hand, is somewhat upset that his quilt is out for laundering, and has stalked off to sulk...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. tell me...why is your bed made?

  2. Highly suspicious indeed. Clearly a doctored photo.

  3. Err, my bed is usually "made". Otherwise I would wake up fur-covered in the mornings, since the cats think it's their bed, heh! All that's missing from the way my bed usually looks is the quilt, which is out for de-furring (it was getting just way too fur-covered). Well, and there's the laptop and the piled up pillows and the box of tissues in the background because my awwergies awe kiwwing mwe...


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