Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Just in case you weren't paying attention

Creature reminds us that the Neoconservatives were dead wrong about Iraq and are still dead wrong about, well, everything. So when they make comments about Obamillary being "wrong on Iraq", look at the source, and laugh accordingly. And when Bush's blowjob whore General Petraeus spits out the Party jizzum in the halls of Congress (unclear whether he's actually swallowed it, but he sure spits it out fine) and says that our manly manly surge has, like, spurted the jizzum of liberty and freedom all over Iraq, remember that he's a mouthpiece for a regime that has been wrong about Iraq, wrong about the economy, wrong about catching Osama dead or alive (heyyy, where is Osama anyhow, Georgie?), wrong about, well, everything. While a stopped clock is right twice a day, neo-conservatives haven't been right about, well, anything, and there's no reason to believe they ever will be.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

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