Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mission accomplished, you stupid fucking dolts!

The Christopathic Rethuglicans destroyed all of Iraq's safety networks thinking that Iraqis would do like Americans do -- turn to their fundamentalist Christian churches for the charitable assistance needed to survive. Unfortunately they forgot that Iraq is a primarily Islamic country. The anti-U.S. movement of Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr is now Iraq's main humanitarian organization helping needy Iraqis.


Dumbest President ever, or just dumb? Your call!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. I so clearly remember Rummy being asked about this kind of thing. Would Iraq, once freed of Saddam become an Islamic fundamentalist nation? For this and other reasons it did seem possible. But Rummy knew better. Not going to happen. "Stupid fucking dolts" is really the kindest view you could take on it.

  2. Islam does have the concept of charity, so I'm not so sure that there isn't another issue at fault here. For one possible explanation,
    it's hard to be charitable when it takes everything you have just to keep yourself alive. :-(

  3. This is precisely the reason Hamas rose to political power in Palestine and Lebanon. The Western powers come in a blow shit up, and Sunnis like Hamas and Shiites like al Sadr come in with the guns and butter.

    Why the hell wouldn't you cling to people and their ideologies when they seem to be the only avenue for assistance?

    I'm an atheist, but if someone destroyed my home and killed my family, and then a church group came by to offer me food and shelter, AND THEN asked me to attack the people who killed my family, well, hell, what would MOST people do?

    I'm not condoning violence, but I think the human condition is such that great trauma makes people susceptible to suggestions they might not otherwise agree with. Especially when those suggestions come from a charismatic leader with quite a few followers.

    I could go on, but what't the point?

  4. Just an FYI, Bush actually admitted to lying about progress in Iraq. He's probably too dumb to quite grasp that he just made a confession. It's worth following the links to see our Bubblehead in Chief in action.

  5. Dumbest President ever, or just dumb? Your call!

    Lets just say that he should thank the flying spaghetti monster, allah or Jebus that breathing is automatic.

    Because if breathing required brain power he would have never lived long enough to get drunk let alone ruin this great country.


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