Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ready for the war with Iran?

Main and Central reports that foreign news sources expect war with Iran before the end of the Chimperor's reign. Here's the analysis that scares the crap out of me:

A military assault on Iran is madness. It will destabilise the region, increase terrorism around the world, hike oil prices to unprecedented levels and slash already fragile economies.

But these are far from being ordinary times. Elements of the Bush administration led by Cheney are single-minded and ruthless when it comes to adhering to their long-held New Middle East agenda. Now that Iraq is in their clutches from their point of view the only bulwark blocking their desire for total American hegemony of the Middle East is Iran.

If and when Iran is out of the loop, the puissance of anti-US Iraqi Shiites will diminish while funding and the supply of weapons to Hezbollah and Hamas will eventually dry up. That's the thinking but, in reality, there's many a slip between cup and lip as we witnessed during the 2006 Israel/Lebanon war when Tel-Aviv received a surprise bloodied nose and more recently during the Basra fiasco.

In this case, it's unknown how Russia, which currently has warships off Syrian ports, might respond. Moscow isn't itching for a fight but it would stand to lose much of its geopolitical and economic clout in the area should the US manage a total takeover and its already smarting over a White House initiative to bring Nato up to its borders and install an anti-missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.

With only another nine months in office and a tattered presidential legacy, George W. Bush has everything to gain in embarking on another deadly adventure. Iran may be his last roll of the dice with winner takes all. He's already one of the most unpopular US presidents in history so even if things go wrong he's got little to lose. He can just walk away and leave his successor and this stricken part of the world to pick up the shards of his failures.

Holy... crap.

Forgive me, gotta go change my undies.

-- Badtux the "These people are fuckin' CRAZY!" Penguin


  1. Totally Insane.

    Must-look-for-upside... uh, with gas at $10 a gallon and WWIII kickstarting, maybe population control wont be necessary and we'll find an alternative fuel?

  2. Insanity can be defined as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. The Bush administration is insane.

  3. OK, how about this scenario? October rolls around and the Decider starts a war in Iran. The Straits of Hormuz close instantly, and oil stops coming from the Persian Gulf.

    So he goes on the tube and explains how we're in the gravest of economic emergencies, but he's still gonna see to it that we go ahead and hold the elections just as soon as it's prudent to do so...

  4. That is a nightmare scenario that I worry about from time to time, but the good news is, I don't think the Busheviks are smart enough to pull it off. But it would be the end of the United States. The country would fly apart. Literally. I'd end up living in the People's Republic of California and need a passport to go over the border into the Dominion of Nevada...

  5. don't see what George Bush has done wrong, he's destroying a bunch of people who shouldn't be in the 1st place. I say the Iraqis are just here to take up space on this planet. They're not doing anything to benifit us. George Bush is doing a great job where he is. I hope he sends a nuke to Iraq and just wipe that country out of the map. The only thing the Iraqis know how to do is terrorize countries, they're all terrorists.Ok,

  6. Oh boy, I have my own troll now! (Please do not feed the troll. Thank you!).

  7. Dude, I was commenting on the neo-cons. Your post. I didn't even see the troll.


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