Thursday, April 03, 2008

Since everybody else is doing it...

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?
Created by OnePlusYou

Huh. I need to run it on the Rude Pundit's web site... Hmm. It says 47.9% of the Rude One's pages have cussing on them. Now I *know* this thing has to be under-estimating our obscenity, because I can't think of any page on the Rude One's site that's not obscene as all fucking hell! Crap!

-- Badtux the Not-as-obscene-as-he-thought Penguin


  1. I totally outcussed you

    but then, one should never get in a pissing contest with a skunk or a cussathon with a sailor.

  2. Tell me about it. My father (USN) could out-cuss pretty much everybody in town not only in English, but in French too!

  3. 10.2 percent? What a fucking light weight.

  4. I'm so ashamed! (Sniff!).

  5. I rated only 11.2%. Shit...


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