Monday, April 14, 2008

Shut up and get to the back of the bus, boy

49 year old Republican representative lets folks know exactly what the Republican Party's opinion of black people is. Hint: When a 49 year old white man in the South named "Jeff Davis" (okay, his first name is spelled different, but it's pronounced "Jeff") calls a 46 year old black man "boy", well, glory howdy be, ain't that just SOOOO 1865 of him, yessiree!

Might as well have said, "shut up and get to the back of the bus, boy." 'Cause that was what he was sayin' even as he was trying not to say it, but you know how that goes. Scratch a tighty righty nowdays, see a whit ehood shining through from under that reptilian overskin...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. It must have been really tough for Davis to get through that one without uttering the word "uppity" at least twice.

  2. I'm stunned the word "Negro" has been uttered once. Really.


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