Friday, April 25, 2008

Someone needs to introduce this dipshit to Mr. Hand

First, Officer Robert Melia Jr. raped three girls. Then he went on and raped four cows. Uhm, someone needs to introduce this dipshit to this thing dangling off the end of his arm called Mr. Hand.

Except, of course, as always rape is not about sex. Masturbation is free, after all. Rather, rape is about power -- the same reason that Mr. Melia became a cop. Because it gives him power over other people. A reason why all too many of today's cops become cops. They have Stormtrooper Syndrome. They like the guns. They like the uniform. They like the power they have over people. And nobody seems to care.

So now Officer Melia is going to spend a long, long time as a guest of the state. I wonder, then, whether he's going to end up raping other prisoners while he's in prison the same way he raped those young girls and those cows? Let's take a look at Mr. Melia and see just how scary and intimidating he looks: Err. Looks to me that Mr. Melia is going to spend a long time in solitary. Or else have a bunghole the size of a friggin' culvert.

Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo! He's a NJ cop! But, South Jersey... There is a difference.


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