Sunday, April 20, 2008


My Internet connection via Comcast has slowed to a crawl, and it is not because I have a virus or spyware or whatever (the only thing hooked up to my Internet connection is my Macbook via its Airport Extreme, which is immune to that kinda crap and besides it operates at full speed when Im at work). So it looks like tomorrow morning I get to go online with Compost's craptastic customer "support", which is sure to get my day off to a Comcastatic craptastic start.

I swear, if these mofo's didn't have a monopoly on Internet service in my area, I'd switch to someone else. It wouldn't surprise me to find out they've throttled me for downloading too much data on my "unlimited" connection. Why, I downloaded two different Linux distributions this month, as well as all the updates to MacOS 10.5 (twice). Whoa! We can't have someone actually use the service that they're paying for, gosh darn it!

--Badtux the Languidly Internetting Penguin

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for all your troubles. I will be happy to reach out to my contacts to look into this for you.

    In order to look into this, I would need more information from you. Please feel free to contact me so that I can get your account or phone number.


    Mark C.
    Digital Media Outreach Analyst


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