U.N. forced to halt food aid shipments into Gaza.
As Jimmy Carter pointed out earlier, and as I verified earlier, Gaza was already getting only 66% of the calories needed for long-term survival, and over 3/4ths of all children showed signs of malnutrition. And that was before the food cut-off. It appears that the Final Solution to the Palestinian problem in Gaza is underway, Olmert's blathering about "of course we don't want a humanitarian crisis" nonwithstanding.
Y'know, what puzzles me is why Israel doesn't just do a normal bit of ethnic cleansing (normal for the region, that is) instead of this slow genocide shit. It's not as if their reputation could get any lower. You don't see it here in the U.S. media (or in the Israeli media, for you Mossad types reading this), but everywhere else in the world you see a constant stream of bloody pictures of dead or severely injured Palestinian children hit by Israeli bombs and missiles and bullets because, duh, a bomb or missile or bullet that misses its target (and not ALL bombs and missiles and bullets can be 100% accurate) doesn't ask, "are you an innocent child?", before it does its deed. The only way that Israel could have a lower reputation in most of the world would be if they started serving roast Palestinian with vegetables in their fine hotels (mmm, long pig!).
Gaza and the West Bank were both ceded to Israel as part of their respective peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt, so there's really no legal reason why Israel couldn't just send in the troops and shove out every man woman and child who's not an Israeli citizen across the nearest border like they did in Haifa when they wanted a port and those non-European wogs were in the way. Well, except for the fact that the Egyptians and Jordanians don't want the Palestinians either, but Israel has never particularly cared what Egypt or Jordan wants anyhow, and it's not as if Egypt or Jordan is going to go to war against Israel over the issue, they have their own problems right now -- Egypt is struggling against fundamentalist sects while trying to get enough economic growth to bring up its standard of living, Jordan is groaning under the weight of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees. It would totally suck to be a Palestinian forced out of your home at gunpoint, but shit, it's gotta beat starving to death in what has basically become Auschwitz South.
So it goes. I haven't the slightest foggiest idea why the hell anybody is doing anything in that region anymore (including the U.S., BTW), except that they're all fucking batshit crazy and there just isn't any sense to it. When Jordan and Syria are the bastions of sanity in the region, that's when you know we've gone through the looking glass into Bizarro World...
-- Badtux the Head-shaking Penguin
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