Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another Republican found packing fudge

Bruce Barclay, the Republican commissioner of Cumberland County, PA was discovered with hundreds of videotapes of gay sex acts apparently taken without the consent of the other party. The videotapes did, however, clear him of an allegation that he'd raped a 20 year old male intern. The videotape showed him and the intern having quite consensual gay sex, no rape involved.

I swear, we have enough of these gay Republicans going around 'now to make a Republicans Gone Wild tape, complete with gay orgies and nude wrestling matches (in a manly way, of course). Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. I'm hosting a book give away

    for the new james howard kunstler book.

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  2. Crazy world isn't it?

  3. Wow. The Repugs have become worse than a pack of Chinese businessmen.

  4. They're just sex crazed. They screw the country. They screw hookers. They screw each other. They'll screw anything that moves ... or not.

    That's what happens when you grow up all repressed and frustrated. Just ask Craig, Vitter, Swaggart, Baker, Haggard, etc. Or Henry "Youthful Indescretion at Age 45" Hyde. Or serial divorce kings New Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani. Or John "Screw the Next One Before Dumping the First One" McCain.

    Gay or straight, these guys just can't keep it in their pants. But they sure do talk a good game about "Christian" morals.


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