Sunday, April 06, 2008

The flying brick

The Mighty Fang isn't exactly a svelte kitty. He's 18 pounds of lard, fur, and of course some muscle, but he's built more like a brick than an athlete, to tell you the truth.

That does not, however, stop him from going from one side of my bedroom to the other without ever touching the floor. From the top of the book-case, he jumps down to the windowsill. From the windowsill he jumps over to the dresser on the wall to the left in this photo. From the dresser he jumps a three-foot gap to the chest-of-drawers that is on the wall behind me as I take this photo. From the chest-of-drawers he jumps onto the bed that is immediately in front of me as I take this photo, then jumps up onto the headboard that's on the right wall. From the headboard he then jumps back up onto the top of the book-case. All without touching the floor.

I shall now officially refer to TMF as "the flying brick", in reference to his ability to circumnavigate my apartment without ever touching the floor.

-- Badtux the Brick-owned Penguin


  1. The Mighty Fang reminds me a lot of Manni, our 25-pounder.

    And yes, Manni manages amazing feats despite his considerable girth. Like somehow managing to jump up to the top of the fridge so he can lurk on the ledge above the kitchen.

  2. Yes, looking at Manni, he does seem to be a slightly chubbier version of The Mighty Fang. And yes, TMF loves to lurk on the ledge above the kitchen too :-).

  3. It's his version of the "hot lava" game.

  4. I had to do a quick Google to remember what the "hot lava" game was. And yes, my brother and I played that one a few times as kids in our parent's rather furniture-overstuffed house. Was almost unfair, actually, it was hard to touch the floor when trying to do so, heh!

    TMF, however, is just a junkie for high places. He never walks on the floor when he can be somewhere higher. I think he thinks he's a jungle panther lurking in the tree branches for his prey or something...

    - Badtux the Brick-owned Penguin


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