Monday, April 07, 2008

I guess it's time to pry the gun from his cold, dead hands

Charlton Heston dies. I won't bother with an obituary. He was pro-gun, against a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, etc., go read elsewhere for the rest. I just posted this because I felt like writing a snarky blog post title, that's all.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Couldn't've happened to a nicer guy.

  2. No problem with him being pro gun. But I didn't know that he was against a womans right to have an abortion.

    I don't know a lot about him but his stance sounds christian to me.

    Fuck it, he is dead, just more monkey shit the ruts of time and space behind us and we have bigger problems.

  3. heh! well, I thought it was funny.

  4. re: the title...I was thinking the very same thing.

    Not very Buddhalike, I know...

  5. They could bury it with him, you know.

  6. I see I wasn't the only that had that thought about him dying. Nice title, Badtux.


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