Friday, April 04, 2008

Now that's a lotta pepperoni...

$2.6 million for An advertising consultant registered it in 1994 thinking to use it to land pizza company contracts, but never did. He paid $20 a year for the past decade mostly leaving it unused, until he got a bright idea -- what if I put it out to bid?

Too bad he wasn't prescient enough to buy at the same time. He coulda really made a killin'. Think about it. Beer and pizza. Goes together like, hmm, macaroni and cheese!

This penguin wishes that he owned any domains that might fetch similar dough. Alas, he does not. This penguin's domains tend towards the Orwellian. Sigh!

-- Badtux the Domain-poor Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Yeah...but the question it "deep dish" (Chi-Town) or "thin crust" (NY)?


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