Thursday, April 03, 2008

Law or lynching -- which will it be?

AT&T argues that they cannot be sued in court because of arbitration provisions in cell phone contracts. Meanwhile, the arbitration provisions require you to use an arbitration company that always (99.99999% of the time) rule in favor of AT&T, basically depriving people of the ability to get redress under law when you get screwed by AT&T.

This is all part and parcel of corporation's attempt to remove any possibility of being punished by the law when they do things that are wrong. Thing is, these corporate executives trying to make it impossible to use the courts are going against their own best interests. Law exists in order to make everybody feel they have a recourse other than violence. Law exists not only to protect the little people, but to protect the big guys too. Out here in the Old West, back before we had law and order, we had a way of dealing with people who came into town and ripped us off. It involved rope, neck, tree. If Americans are denied ability to use the law to attain justice, some of these corporate executives might find that the "law of the West" comes back into vogue... when the law is no longer available to people, they resort to lynchings.

Does the CEO of AT&T really want to end up hanging by his neck from a tree on his front lawn after a thousand people with pitchforks and torches pull him out of his mansion and string him up? Just go ahead and deny Americans access to law, and we'll see it, as surely as rain falls from the air. And the world will probably be the better for it. But it's clear that AT&T's CEO won't be the better for it -- which is why he's being simply stupid for arguing that AT&T is above the law.

-- Badtux the Law Penguin

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