Saturday, April 12, 2008

All your gig bag are belong to us

Busy cleaning up and putting all my camping gear from my trip a couple of weeks ago back into its bins. Tossed my gig bag onto my bed (along with some other stuff) to get it out of the way, and it promptly got colonized. Because, after all, all items in a home belong to the cat of the home... at least, that's what The Mighty Fang thinks. Who am I to tell him he's wrong?!

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. you should see what happens to my hard shell cases when ever i'm distracted enough to leave them open. the gig bags are hanging up in the closet but from time to time are turned into tarzan swings.

  2. At least Fang and your gear bag are both black > My ' bag master ' is white with almost silk like fur that clings to everything . My bag is green ( and white ) .
    PS can't imagine you never packed in a little ' fixins ' to spice up that chili . Next try is substitute a portion of good chili / frozen for some of that ice in the chest .


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