Thursday, April 17, 2008

Papenfuhrer sez Church handled child sex abuse cases wrong

The Pope also said that the cause of priests sexually abusing children was lax American morals. Really!

Of course, this is the same Pope who, as the director of the Office of the Inquisition, basically told American bishops to threaten anybody who complained about a priest abusing children with excommunication (story from 2003, before Ratzi became Pope). When he says that the Church handled child sex abuse cases wrong, he probably was just pining for the old days when the Church could just take such people and "disappear" them into the Inquisitor's dungeon for a nice session of waterboarding or hot iron branding or plucking out of fingernails... or maybe just crush them under the treads of a panzer, ja?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. The Pope says we need to talk about the future to make sure it doesn't happen again, but while working for John Paul, he did more than his part to continue screwing the church's victims. He obstructed justice by telling bishops to handle it quietly. He's a pedophile protector.

    The man is disgusting. We shouldn't have allowed somebody who so flagrantly violated human rights to enter our country.


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