Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ah bwee thick as a dwawg

Just finished filling up my trash can with snotty tissue papers. I didn't know it was possible for one person to drool so much snot out of his nose. Gah, my nose feels like a friggin' fire hose and my head is pounding too!

So if I didn't post today, know that I didn't do much besides blow snot out of my nose today. Grrr.

-- Badtux the Feelin'blah Penguin


  1. I like Claritin for situations like that (although some coworkers say it makes them fuzzy headed). The only problem it gives me is that I have trouble sleeping if I take it right before bed time. And, the relief it gives my sinuses makes life much better.


  2. Hi Dave! Yes, I'm on Claritin. It doesn't make me fuzzy-headed, but it does make me rather calm and collected. What makes it hard for me to sleep is the decongestants. Luckily today the Claritin by itself seems to be doing the trick -- so far. Wish me luck!

    - Badtux the Stuffy-nosed Penguin

  3. I used to take the sudafed stuff, but it made me feel as though I was trying to think through glue.

    So I just Afrin'd the hell out of my sinuses.

    Feel better!


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