Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Santa Cruz, dude!

From Craigslist:

Charming one bedroom cottage on acreage, pets OK.

Cozy, artistic, woodsy with beautiful decks and awesome views. Sunny, open, redwoods, garden space. Rural and secluded, yet only 5 minutes to downtown Santa Cruz or Scotts Valley.

Bedroom, living room, bathroom with claw-foot tub, full kitchen – well insulated and well heated with two efficient propane wall heaters. Approx. 600 square feet plus two decks. The space is best suited for a single person or a close couple.

The cottage is a private separate unit next to the main house, which is round. The photo shows the cottage in front of the main round house and some of the views.

We're open to well-behaved dogs and cats, who love it here.

$1,250. per month rent, plus utilities, plus $1,500. security deposit.

Absolutely no tobacco smoking and no marijuana growing, thank you.

That last sentence is just so absolutely necessary when we're talking about Santa Cruz :-).

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Hey, I like the new look :)

  2. Nice, but my commute would be too long.

  3. Perhaps you have to be familiar with UC-Santa Cruz to get it. Let's just say that the Fighting Banana Slugs of the UC-Santa Cruz tend to be rather mellow, man. As in, stoner U, dude. The fact that ads for apartments and such have to add "no marijuana growing please" to their list of requirements for tenants is just so... Santa Cruz :-).

    -- Badtux the Amused Penguin

  4. That's pretty expensive for 600 square feet, but it is California.

    A stoner will agree not to, but grow anyway.

  5. no problem. insert a few thc genes into some catnip plants.


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