Friday, April 25, 2008

I be a'playin' wit me template

I decided on a three-column look. We'll see how it goes. So don't be surprised if your colors keep changing and things keep moving around on the sidebars!

-- Badtux the Blogging Penguin


  1. My Eyes , My EYES ! It's morning I know but spare my poor eyes . The Brightness , it burns .

  2. Speaking of appearances, I assume you have read about the penguin toupee.

  3. A mint green background. All right, I can handle that.

    I've always preferred dark backgrounds with light text in my own blogs. That just suits me better...

  4. Mint green when you posted, Jim. It's likely to be another color later. It was a very bright yellow when w3ski posted (*VERY* bright), and it was a sorta lighter yellow when Bryan posted. The mint green seems a bit brighter than the sorta boring flesh color, but not quite as... eye-burning... as the yellow.

    So sue me. Penguins like black and white and yellow and green.

    - Badtux the Colorific Penguin

  5. Oh, wow. Now it's this purplish shade. It's your blog, BT, but I dunno, I think you're getting "colder," as the game goes. Mint green was "warmer"...

  6. the lavendar fucking works for me dude.

  7. I was in a lavender kinda mood. And looking for something that didn't contrast so brightly with the grey-blue background of the new header picture, which is what you get when you take a picture of a penguin and slice and dice it and turn the brightness way up and contrast down to make it a good background for dark text.

    Maybe I'll change it to some other color this afternoon, penguins are nothing if not fickle :).

    - Badtux the Color-coordinating Penguin


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