Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The smartest politician on the planet

Obviously too smart to be elected in the United States...

-- Badtux the Appreciative Penguin

From TED


  1. a continuing point of musing for me is how some of the giants of our history would never stand a chance in today's political arena. jefferson would never be allowed to survive a sally hemmings scandal, john adams would be driven from the arena, washington would be shredding at a debate, madison would be deemed a leprechaun like kucinich, monroe far too shy. . .the list goes on.

    oddly enough the two that would have the best chance would be burr and hamilton. burr because of his overarching amorality would be right at home in the republican party and hamilton would find a forum for his dreams of being the american revolution's che.

  2. Thanks for posting that, I enjoyed it. :)

  3. He came to Santa Barbara at a special event/get together of jewelry clad folks/showing of his film.

    Got to shake his hand...babble a bit..and say "thanks, Mr. President."

    He nodded slightly, smiled slightly but had a glint in his eye.

    As he walked off to press the flesh with other lookerson, I noticed he was wearing his cowboy boots. Guess you can take the boy out of TN, but not the TN outta the boy.

    Wonder if he wears them in SF where he and Tipper are mostly living now.

    Oh, man...if only....

  4. florida and his response to not ask for a recount - always left a bad taste in my mouth...i think he was asked to join the big rich boys behind the screen....

  5. He's answered that question directly before. "The Supreme Court ruled," he said. "Unfortunately, there is no way to appeal a Supreme Court ruling other than a military coup." Left unsaid was the unlikelihood of a military coup being a) successful, b) bloodless, or c) a good precedent for the future of the nation. I think Gore truly thought simply giving up at that point was the best thing for the nation. He couldn't have known just how deep a hole Bush was gonna dig for the nation...

    -Badtux the Politics Penguin


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