Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yet more fiddling...

What, does Obama have a goddamned FIDDLE factory in the White House basement now? The State of California is bankrupt. Income tax collections have fallen FIFTY PERCENT since this time last year, and sales tax revenues are flat only because of a massive hike in the sales tax in April. Pretty soon the state declares bankruptcy and puts hundreds of thousands out of work. Yet the Obama administration refuses to give any assistance to California. This is how Obama is going to protect American jobs? By putting hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work, between the state employees and the contractors paid via state highway and health funds? Not to mention that California's crumbling infrastructure isn't going to fix itself, and Obama's stimulus program ain't gonna do jack shit if there's no state employees left to apply for it and issue contracts to road contractors and such. And not to mention the fact that there will be no -- zero -- Medicaid left and thus people dying on the streets due to lack of health care, schools will have to shut down for lack of money, the universities will be shuttered, it will be the right-wing paradise that is Somalia with no government anywhere.

I can hear some tighty righties stroking their rods just thinking about it, even though their pasty flabby basement-pallored asses would be the bitches of the thugs and goons of the gangsters released when the prison guards walk out for lack of pay, but as for anybody sensible, letting California collapse just isn't an option. But it appears that our so-called "leaders" in Washington D.C. don't agree.... more fiddles, they shout! Fiddle louder, they shout! As they fiddle us right to the death of the United States as a nation from their bubble universe in Washington D.C., fiddling every bit as loudly as the citizens of Rome did as their Empire collapsed around them. But Rome went from a city of 1.5 million to a few thousand miserable survivors huddled in its ruins in less than a century. Is that really the fate that our so-called "leaders" want for America? Complete societal collapse and the deaths of 95% of the population? Because they sure are fiddling loud for that fate...

-- Badtux the Disgusted Penguin


  1. Do you think these economic dolts are remembering how badly that previous guarantee to NYC worked out? (humor)

    It seems to be that if Geithner can't pass the funds through Goldman Sachs first, that nothing can be done.

    As they fiddle us right to the death of the United States as a nation from their bubble universe in Washington D.C., fiddling every bit as loudly as the citizens of Rome did as their Empire collapsed around them.

    Thanks for keeping us abreast of this situation. It's surely dire.


  2. California has to put their own house in order first. IMO, this means a State Constitutional Convention, becuase under the current law, Republicans can block tax increases with a minority, and they have.

    I like the referendum, but any populus mandate should have to identify the source of funds as a matter of law.

    After Californina has a plan for solvency, I would support a one-time bailout of the debt California is under, but without reform, DC would be permanaently adopting the debt, with no authority to make changes to State law. And the state would have no incentive to repair anything if they can send a bill to Barak.

    My guess is - there needs to be riots - real ones - before anybody will get off their ass in Sacto.

  3. Were things this bad under gray Davis?

  4. So Obama will happily bailout out failing automakers and criminal corrupt Wall St. corporations, but he won't bailout the 8th largest economy in the world?

    My guess is - there needs to be riots - real ones - before anybody will get off their ass in Sacto.

    Exactly, TampaDoug. We need total anarchy before Californians are willing to change their precious 2/3 budget rule and Prop 13.

    Jim: No. Gray Davis must be laughing his ass off right now.


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