Friday, November 11, 2005

Foil beanies: Do they work?

A right-wing blogger tries to protect himself from evil mind control rays being transmitted by liberals and Islamo-fascists as he writes his latest blog entry:

We've all heard of the Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie, intended to stop mind control rays (being broadcast from satellites and telephone company trucks). But does it actually work?

A team at MIT decided to see. Using the directions at the AFDB site, they created a troika of tin foil beanies and then, with a signal generator and network analyzer, tested them to see how they worked at deflecting radio waves that could be used for government mind control. Their results were astounding: It appears that they actually *amplify* radio bandwidths which the FCC says are "reserved for government"!

Guess paranoics will have to figure out some other way to stop those evil government mind control rays, eh? :-).

(For the record: I believe the only "mind control rays" around here are the ones coming out of the television set, intended to indoctrinate you to baaaa like a good little sheeple... probably why my television hasn't been turned on in over a year).

- Badtux the non-mind-controlled Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Yep so many people are wondering who got voted off the island that they don't know their country's been raped, pillaged, and abducted. Keep up the good blogging and keep the faith.

    Blue Gal


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