Monday, May 05, 2008


Seems that our boy Johnny Mac still hasn't dumped Richard M. Quinn. Who is Richard M. Quinn? Well, he's the part-owner and former editor of a magazine called "Southern Partisan", which said things like:

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela are terrorists -- about MLK, "King Day should have been rejected because its purpose is vitriolic and profane. The black leaders who lobbied so furiously for King Day confirmed another unpleasant reality. By celebrating King as the incarnation of all they admire, they have chosen to glorify the histrionic rather than the heroic." He has stated that slavery wasn't evil, slavery was not as bad as it has been portrayed and that slaves were better off in slavery than out of it. Slave owners were great people who were good for the black family because "they (slave owners) encouraged strong slave families to further the slaves' peace and happiness in order to promote efficient work." He encouraged the election of former KKK leader David Duke, saying "What better way to reject politics as usual than to elect a maverick like David Duke? What better way to tweak the nose of the establishment?"

This is the man who John McCain has put in charge of his South Carolina organization -- not once, but twice. This is who John McCain is: a man who cozies up to racists.

And from the mainstream press we hear... [crickets].

-- Badtux the Pointy Hood Sniffin' Penguin

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