Friday, May 09, 2008

The KKKandidate

Hot on the heels of the discovery that the border vigilantes talking about how we need to kill all the Mexicans trying to cross the border happen to associate with neo-Nazis, we now have the KKKandidate. Who says we should vote for her because of her support from, quote, "working, hard-working Americans, white Americans". As vs. those shifty lazy niggers and spics, presumably.

No, not talking about David Duke's wife. Talking about, sadly, Hillary Clinton. Who has, like, just totally jumped the shark.

Hillary, give it up. You've lost whatever dignity you ever had, it's time to go before you become a total joke. Sorry, that's just how it is :-(.

-- Badtux the Appalled Penguin


  1. Hell, she jumped the shark when she made nice with Richard Mellon Scaife in March. Now she's just talking batsht crazy...

  2. She is talking batshit crazy. Do you think that the rest of us can get a restraining order or something?

  3. Just stop listening to her and her desperate ramblings, you will instantly feel much better.


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