Friday, May 30, 2008

Condo builder from hell

I've been running into this condo design all around the South Bay. It was built in the early 1970's, and consists of a snout condo in front, then three condos upstairs over carports. It's ugly as hell, the carports can't be turned into individual garages for the condos because of the way they're designed, and it's no friggin' wonder that they're having trouble giving these ugly-ass condos away. Most of'em I'm sure are gonna get eventually sold off to investors who are gonna rent them to trailer trash and illegals and there's gonna be drug deals going down on the front lawns and so forth, I know I sure as hell ain't buying one of these dumps no matter how low they go on the price -- and they're already going pretty damned low in some places.

-- Badtux the Home-shopping Penguin

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