Friday, May 30, 2008

I tawt I thaw a birdie!

Hummingbirds came by to suck nectar from the climbing roses. The Mighty Fang is on the case.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Now That might be funny to see . While my cats can ocasionally catch a bug they mostly wait for it to stop before pouncing . Seeing a cat batting at thin air as a hummer dances away from those paws !
    easily amused this afternoon ...

  2. You have to be careful playing with hummers, you can get run over...

    Oh, those hummers - Never mind.

    We only see hummingbirds twice a year as they fly to and from Mexico across the Gulf. They are fat and sassy on the trip down in the Fall, but pretty ragged looking when they come back in the Spring.

  3. A little youtube cat cartoon:


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