Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pink Tongue of EEE!!!

After investigating the tiny little new Asus eee PC 20g (called that because it has 20 gigabytes of internal solid state storage, thus making it suitable for long distance motorcycle touring, unlike a conventional laptop whose hard drive would get cratered by that kind of treatment), The Mighty Fang decides to exercise his amazingly long and prehensile Pink Tongue of Mass Grooming. After finishing his own grooming, he then headed over to the futon and started grooming Mencken. Mencken opened one eye, thought better of exerting himself to run off the pest, and closed the eye and went back to sleep.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Samizdat!

    that's a cool little unit. have fun with it.

  2. OK, I'm hoping to do the Circle Tour of Lake Superior this summer, if I can get a passport, crap. Will I really screw up my hp laptop if I take it along? I need advice.

  3. As long as you pack it well in a padded case and stay on pavement you're fine. My problem is that I own a KLR 650, so it has this bad habit of leaving pavement whenever it sees an unpaved two-track heading off into the woods or the desert (gotta see where it goes, after all!). I would not want to put any kind of laptop with rotational storage into my luggage under that kind of beating.


  4. Uhm, not to mention the size issue. Even my Macbook (13.3" screen) takes up a hefty percentage of my topbag (a Givi E45, not a small bag by any means)...

  5. Thanks. I've trained my bagger to stay on pavement. It's always good to learn more about the durned machine that I have come to deeply appreciate. Computer & bike.


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