Saturday, May 10, 2008

House cleaning

My little Hoover Steam-Vac does a better job of cleaning carpets than it has any right to do, given its small size. Things I've found out: Pre-treat any stains you want gone. Go over any stained areas you want picked up multiple times. Go over main traffic areas several times. Do one room at a time because else you will drive yourself crazy -- it takes about four tanks of water in its tiny little reservoir to do a room, two tanks with soap, two tanks for rinse. Once this is all done, the carpet is pretty much as clean as you can get it with a little machine, you'll need a big truck-borne machine to do any better (i.e., hire a professional for $100+).

Shower doors suck penguin penises. I'm thinking about taking them off and storing them, and putting a shower curtain up there instead. All they do is require constant cleaning (to get the soap scum and hard water spots off of them) and the lower track collects mold and mildew.

Next up: Cleaning out the garage. Wish me luck. And then once all that's done, I'll come back and de-clutter -- get rid of things I don't need or at least move them out to storage. And then I'll be ready to face the next year of my life with a clean nest atop my iceberg...

-- Badtux the Spring Cleaning Penguin


  1. Curtains are not much better. I've found the 'campground' style of open shower to be the easiest to clean.


  2. Well, one secret about the shower curtains is that you can wash them in a front-loading washer (the kind without an agitator). This works better with the fancier washers where you can turn off the spin, but if it gets torn in the spin... (shrug). Throw it in the trash and buy another one.

    Try doing that with a shower door, and... err... it won't fit :-).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. Pssssst dude, switch to liquid soap, and before you go there, yes they do have manly smelling, anti-bacterial liquid soaps. They cut down on shower cleaning, because they don't leave soap scum. A fan in the bathroom to dry out the shower pretty much nullifies the growth of mold, it needs dampness to grow.

    Nobody else here will clean the bathrooms, but they did switch soaps after I told them they had a choice:
    a)switch soaps
    b)clean the bathroom

    (I have shower doors)


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