Tuesday, May 06, 2008

And I should believe them... why?

U.S. officials claim Iran is training terrorists that attack U.S. forces within Iraq. Now, I could go and collect a buncha data about why that's absurd -- for example, Iran's man in Iraq is President Maliki, and it is not in their interests to undercut their man in Iraq -- but really. I mean, c'mon. This is getting absurd. It's just one lie after another, from weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to "the surge is working" (right before the most deadly month of the war happens). It's like reading the 1970's Soviet press where they were claiming that capitalism was on its last legs and would, like, collapse within months, and that poor people were dying of starvation on the streets of America and being killed left and right by police forces exterminating "undesirables" and rich people in America ate babies and drank the blood of virgins, and etc. etc. etc... I feel like I'm stuck in a mirror universe where the Soviet Union conquered the United States and installed its government which then behaved in the same incompetent and lying fashion, except it's real.

But anyhow, I have one thing to say about any statement from any U.S. official today: Weapons of mass destruction, dude. Where's the weapons of mass destruction? Where's the thousand and thousands of *tons* of WMD that you guys said existed in Iraq? I'll make a deal with any right-wing ninny who happens to read this blog (not that any do, because I flog them with a limp herring until they go away, but ...). I'll believe something said by the U.S. government when you show me one ton of those weapons of mass destruction that existed in Iraq. Or when you show any of my hand-picked inspectors (hmm, I'll pay Scott Ritter to go) this one ton of Iraqi WMD. Then I'll believe the government's latest line of bullshit propaganda lies nonsense.

But until you show me that one ton (of the many tons these hacks said existed)... why should I believe anything these hacks say? They've already proven they're either incompetent, or liars. Why should I expect them to be telling the truth now, when they never have in the past? I ain't Charlie Brown. If Lucy holds a ball in front of me and says "kick it, Badtux!", the only thing I'll kick is her scrawny unsociable ass. There's a word for folks who continue to believe liars over and over and over again. That word is... uhm... morons?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

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