Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tired kitteh

It's a hard life for kittehs here in the Casa de Penguin. Sleep on the lap or on the carpet or on the futon or on the penguin's bed or on the shelf above the computer? Eat kitty kibble, or drink water? Purr while being rubbed, or just sleep? Obviously much too exhausting for The Mighty Fang, who looked up briefly when I started taking photos, but then put his head back down and went back to sleep.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. The Mighty Fang is a very considerate kitteh, curling his tail over the top of the monitor, rather than letting it hang down the front as my crew are wont to do.

  2. The Mighty Fang is Manni Moe's soul brother.


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