Monday, February 13, 2006

Liberals are getting gamed big-time

It's a setup. Literally.

That Bush budget that cuts Social Security survivor benefits in a way that would never pass? Deliberately done like that, in order to allow Republican congressmen to eliminate the outrageous cuts and thus run against Bush in the 2006 election.

The current story about Bush's abysmal Katrina performance? More of the same -- material being generated to allow Republican congressmen to run against Bush.

And the Democrats are just chortling, without seeing the big picture: that it's a setup. It's a setup to allow a Republican congress that has rolled over and done everything the Bush administration wants them to do, to continue to roll over and do everything the Bush administration wants them to do. Because the Bush administration knew that there was no way that the budget presented to Congress would ever pass. That was the point. The Republicans in Congress are still doing exactly what the Busheviks want them to do. They are bought-and-paid-for tools of the same vile and venal men who own the rest of the Bush administration, and do only what they're ordered to do by the Party central committee -- even when what the Party central committee wants them to vote against a deliberately poorly concieved budget.

The Democrats need to keep hammering on the Bush connection. Bush is extremely unpopular right now, historically speaking. There are only a handful of Presidents who were ever more unpopular than Bush is right now at this point in his Presidency. The Democrats can't let the Republican Congress run away from Bush -- especially when it's the Busheviks who are ordering their Congressmen and Senators to do so in hopes of staving off impeachment if the Democrats take power in Congress in 2006.

For every Republican in Congress, the Democrats need to keep hammering home the point: This man does exactly what Bush wants him to do. This man is Bush's man in Congress. This man is a Bush crony who might fake that he represents his constituency but really only represents Bush. Tie Bush around these people's neck like a 500 pound albatross. Don't let them run away from Bush -- especially when the "running away" is completely fake and bogus, dictated from above by the Party central committee (Karl Rove and friends), rather than something they're doing on their own initiative. If the Democrats let the Republican congressmen get away with this scam, they deserve to lose. Unfortunately, the real losers will be the rest of us.

- Badtux the "I know a scam when I see one!" Penguin


  1. The democrats seem to roll over and play dead when they should be attacking.

    The democrats are living up to reputation as wimps.

  2. Having just got through my blog tour and finding this as the last page open, I don't know how I got here.

    But you're absolutely correct on this. Presient Bush is not the issue now. He's done been re-elected. If it takes a little of making him look bad to get Republicans elected or re-elected - a small price to pay.

    I woud say, however, it didn't quite work for Democrats who jetisoned Bill Clinton.


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