Monday, February 20, 2006

Hungry kitties

My cats are very upset with me. They're hungry and I refuse to feed them. But they're so fat that they waddle like, well, a penguin, so I feed them a measured amount every night, and when they run out during the day, that's that. But if you listen to them, you'd think I never feed them at all... they're whining "Feed me! Feed me!", winding around my legs when I try to walk, getting up in my face and going "Meow! Meooowww!" when I sit down, etc.

Yes, still officially on hiatus.

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Well, as long as you are still "officially" on hiatus... *snickers softly*

  2. Sometimes Shai acts like I'm starving her, especially when I switched her to diet food, that was ugly. Pugs can be as expressive as cats and she knows all the cute faces that push my buttons.

    Aren't pets the greatest?

  3. My dog acts the same way. He starts an hour before his dinner time and an hour before his breakfast time. He tries to make me feel guilty (don't tell him, but it works) But I'm sticking to my guns.

    I measure my cat's food too but he keeps gaining weight. I think he has a secret food stash hidden somewhere here in the house.

  4. So that was your cat on Countdown tonight! Portly, yes, but handsome, stately.

  5. Awww, he's a happy shiny healthy cat! Of course he's hungry.

  6. Joyful, my cats may be big, but they're not *that* portly! One is 16 pounds, the other is 18 pounds. As my veterinarian noted, they're not small cats (slight understatement, when one of these guys jumps on my lap he spills over all three edges!), so they carry their weight well, but they're 2 pounds heavier than last year so that needs addressing.

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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