'Nuff said.
-- Badtux the Former-Louisianian Penguin
In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.
The religious right is motivated by the suspicion that someone, somewhere,
is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.
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Yeah, and they don't deserve to keep New Orleans either, they can build a new town for their parties, whores, and drugs on higher ground and stop expecting everyone else to bail them out.
ReplyDeleteyeesh, no wonder my mom lasted about a month in the south.
ReplyDeleteYou could have included Mississippi along with Louisiana. Gov. Barbour blocked legislation during his first term that would have raised tobacco taxes and reduced gocery taxes. He made his millions as a lobbyist for the tobacco industry. MS still has about the highest food tax of any state and 2nd lowest tobacco tax. Besides all that, he looks like the late Margaret Rutherford (Miss Marple) when he speaks ... jiggly jowls in particular. He epitomizes the 4 horsemen of the Republican party (aggression, cynicism, greed and intolerance.
ReplyDeleteYep, that is why I left Louisiana. Soon I hope to be living some place other than Texas.
ReplyDeleteUm, how is that "second-degree murder"? WTF?