Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday afternoon cat follies

Mencken and The Mighty Fang are curled up on the futon together, with TMF's nose nuzzled up under Mencken's chin. When I walked in a few minutes ago, TMF was attacking Mencken with his mighty Tongue of Mass Grooming, holding Mencken's head down with his paw while giving Mencken's ear a good wash job. Mencken looked annoyed, but not annoyed enough to do anything about it.

Just another exciting Sunday afternoon on this penguin's iceberg...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. I worked on making more storage, it was a good day.

  2. Sundays are good for cats to just sleep and be lazy. Even more so than other days. Manni got a bath from Lola this afternoon, much to his chagrin. He then lummoxed up to the couch and flopped down for an afternoon of serious snoozing. Lola has been keeping my husband company in his office, intermittently sleeping and supervising him as he does some work.

    We all love Sundays.


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