Sunday, November 30, 2008

Raising the next generation right

The next generation of Obama children, that is, who were taken to a food bank to hand out food to the poor on Thanksgiving Eve to remind them that there are a whole lot of Americans who aren't as well off as they are.

When was the last time that Dear Lame Duck Leader was in a food bank? Do you think Dear Lame Duck Leader even knows what a food bank is? Or has any idea why the notion of a food bank, in the world's wealthiest nation with a surplus of food for everybody, is a disgusting and disgraceful thing?

-- Badtux the Once-poor Penguin


  1. El Chimpo knows a food bank is the kind that ain't gettin' no $700 billion bailout...

  2. I was pleased to note that they stayed long enough for the girls to actually give out some food and meet the recipients. If it were the Chimperator, they'd do the photo op and clear out, probably taking all the food with them.

  3. Even food BANKS are in danger of failing to serve their customers under this administration.

    It's refreshing to know that the Obamas are teaching their children compassion and generosity of spirit.


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