Saturday, November 29, 2008

I wonder if the kitties missed me

They both met me at the door and meowed at me to pet them, but a couple of swipes at Mencken's head and he basically said "meh, that's enough" and went somewhere else. TMF was a bit more clingy though, "helping" me use the bathroom, take a shower, and do other things. (No, he didn't go *into* the shower, he just sat on the toilet seat and watched!).

They're both sleeping on their futon right now, so I guess they both got it out of their system. It is nice to be owned by two such forgiving cats :-).

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home. Sorry about your camera. I love mine, except it's got so much shit going on I'll never figure out everything it can do. I walked into Office Depot and said, "I'm a klutz, whatcha got that gets the pic fast, cause I can't hold still?" I might carry extra soft, clean pieces of cotton t-shirt in a ziploc bag if I were out in the desert all the time.


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