Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Texas law and Dick Cheney

Seems that Texas is unique in that their "Law of Parties" allows giving the death penalty to someone even if they did not themselves pull the trigger. So what does that mean for Darth Cheney and his murder indictment in South Texas? Not good, apparently. Assuming that Darth Cheney doesn't get a federal judge to squash it, he's going to be appearing in a Texas court responding to murder charges. And while Texans generally love their Republican politicians, one thing they do *not* love is someone from outside of Texas telling them how to do their bidness...

BTW, Aaron Burr and Spiro Agnew were both indicted while being seated Vice Presidents and there's nothing in the Constitution prohibiting any state from indicting a Vice President, so there's no law prohibiting this. But I don't expect it to have much legs anyhow, because the Constitution is a piece of toilet paper for politicians to wipe their asses on nowdays, rather than being the definitive document as to what is legal and not that they tell you in Civics class.

-- Badtux the Mildly Amused Penguin


  1. Ah, toilet paper----down the Cheney drainy! He'll be right at home with all those used alligator, turtle, and frog pets.

  2. Texas is one weird state with a lot of weird monkeys in it.


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