Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thought for the day

Perhaps a better paraphrase of H.L. Mencken's notation about "Puritans", rather than substituting "religious fundamentalists", would be to substitute the word "extremists". Because it is extremists in general, not just religious ones, who are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

-- Badtux the Observant Penguin

1 comment:

  1. I used to go cross-country skiing in the quiet, snowy woods of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The deer and birds and other nature-y bits were not bothered by my swooshing noises. But when a snarling snowmobile was anywhere within miles -- f@ckin' noiseboxes!

    I used to live on a tidal creek in the Florida Gulf Coast swamps. I'd paddle my canoe under the moss-dripping live oaks, and the otters, birds, alligators and occasional herds of manatees were not bothered by the occasional bumping of my wooden paddle on the fibreglas canoe side. But when a droning airboat was anywhere within miles -- f@ckin' airplanes on bass boat hulls!

    I could go on about other places where I've lived and plunged headlong into the silent magnificence of nature -- which is mostly tranquil when internal combustion stays external to it -- but you've gotten the picture that I don't approve of your earsplitting fun. (And I'm not even getting started on what it does to the Earth's surface.)


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