The Mighty Fang was resting on his back in "tummy rub" position...
So of course someone had to oblige him:
-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin
Friday, November 14, 2008
I can has tummee rub?
cat blogging
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Ah yes, when the rubber meets the road. Bodhi Dog wants one too! :)
ReplyDeleteA good tummy rub feels goooodddd!
ReplyDeleteNow I know that Manni and Fang are cosmic brothers. Manni can hustle a tummy rub better than any cat I have ever seen, complete with the silly willy look on his face compelling the nearest human to make with the fingernails, already.
ReplyDeleteI was reading a link from some other blog yesterday about how to raise feral kittens if you should find them. When they're rilly, rilly young, you're supposed to rub their tummies to stimulate them to poo. This is apparently what mother cats do, via licking, as part of kitten training. (The mother cats also lick up the mess, but the feral cat training blog didn't suggest that.) I wonder if the seeking of tummy rubs is a throwback to that "Mother me" kitten instinct?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I was rude to you the other day, bukko. Veterans' Day is just awful for me and I shouldn't have been so snotty.
ReplyDelete"you're supposed to rub their tummies to stimulate them to poo." OMG! that explains why Bodhi likes to fart when his tummy gets rubbed.