Friday, November 14, 2008

I can has yer tax exemption?

Catholic priest refuses communion to Obama supporters.

Wonderful. Makes him sound like a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum, stamping his feet and whining about how Obama is evil or some shit like that. So here's the deal: if he's going to involve himself in politics like that, why should his church be tax exempt? Same deal with the Mormons and their Prop 8 bullshit. If you're a political group, you don't qualify to be a non-profit. Sorry, but thems be the rules. I see no reason why the Mormons should be allowed to break the rules just because the Angel Moroni handed down magic underpants to their Profit 150 years or so ago. Same deal with the Catholics. Just because your religion predates Western civilization doesn't mean you should be allowed to disregard the laws of the nation you're operating in.

But wait, I forgot... IOIYR. It's OK If You're Republican. Or if you worship an invisible imaginary best friend. Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Tuxologist Penguin


  1. Badtux, are you on Facebook?

    What about Mencken and TMF? ;-)

  2. Somewhere down the line I missed train/ship/aircraft.... Way back when I was a young lad, the churches kept their mandates and only commented on religion. But after Raygun and Herr Bush I and Bush II, the religious jeezbus phreaques seem to think that all of government needs to take a religious test of some sort. Perhaps there should be a test out there that makes them prove scientifically their religious beliefs actually are fact and not suppositions and hyperbole. I for one am for taxing these superstitious morons out of existence.

    Just this old chief's 2¢

  3. That priest must be hosting prejudice. "Cannibal rebellion," I say!

  4. You know, I would be a little more likely to listen to the Catholic church's whining about "family values" and so on, if they could just somehow get rid of all the homosexual-pedophile priests they have running around. When your "spokesmen" stop raping little boys, maybe then folks will take you seriously. Till then, STFU, guys.


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