Sunday, November 09, 2008

Life on the home front

The boys were both curled up together in my laundry basket (dirty clothes -- I don't leave laundry baskets full of clean clothes lying around because they get furred!). Two gigantic cats, one small laundry basket, it was one furry site. Alas, by the time I got my camera out The Mighty Fang had decided to get out and come greet me at the bedroom door. Oh well!

I bought a couple of Carl Hiassen's books at B&N today, I had a discount sticker and needed to use it. So I'll be entertaining myself with that.

Oh -- I did get my spare tire carrier properly spaced out today. Just a buncha stacked washers underneath the rubber bumpers, with a little piece of rubber inner tube between that and the door. Also used some premium grade 12.9 socket-head bolts to attach all this (the original bolts are not long enough with those washers). I also ordered a new pair of glasses to replace my scratched-up ones that are making me a bit bleary-eyed, and some bumper tie-ins for my Jeep so that my upcoming Thanksgiving trip doesn't pull my bumper off. So today wasn't a *total* lazy mess! Although I flinched at paying for the new glasses and the bumper tie-ins. They aren't expensive, but every bit counts in today's economy :-(.

-- Badtux the Sunday Penguin


  1. What, no photo ;)

    With four of my own, I know exactly what you mean.

  2. maybe i can send my Carlos there for vacation.....

  3. Duck, I couldn't take the photo because they broke up the cuddle-fest when I ran off to get my camera!

    Dcap, The Mighty Fang would welcome Carlos as his long lost brother and groom him carefully. Mencken, on the other hand, would say "bah humbug" and re-arrange Carlos's face if Carlos decided to be friendly. Mencken has learned that TMF is such a big blubber ball that attempting to drive TMF off with claw and tooth is useless -- all he gets is a mouthful of fur and blubber. So he tolerates TMF and allows TMF to cuddle up to him and groom him. But no more than that.

    -- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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