Friday, November 07, 2008

My idiot cat

As some of you probably remember, The Mighty Fang has properly trained his penguin to water him upon demand. Said watering done via the bathroom faucet.

Only problem is, TMF isn't exactly the brightest kitteh around: Yes, that's water cascading off of his chubbeh little cheek.

Here's how it works. TMF puts his head under the faucet and eyes the faucet hopefully. Being a helpful penguin, I turn the water on for a dribble. The water hits his chubby little cheek and splashes off to the side a bit. TMF moves his head to catch the water as it spurts off to the side off his cheek, therefore causing the water to hit even further up his cheek and cascade further to the side. Until finally the water is just running off his cheek directly into his mouth and he laps it up.

The strange thing is that his fur is so sleek and shiny that the water just shakes right off his cheek once he has drunk his fill. Here he is approximately three minutes after the first photo:

Yes, TMF, I'm talkin' about you!

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. What is it about cats and water out of the tap? Pica does the same thing.

  2. Yep, it's weird. They run away from the regular water station when the tank gurgles, but crowd around the sink when you're trying to do dishes or brush your teeth.

    Some like the kitchen sink, different ones like the bathroom sink.

  3. My cat is a long haired girl . Although she has 3 water bowls available (one totally dog free) her favorite water is the dog wading pool out back . Doesn't seem to matter that her chest fur gets dripping wet every time she drinks .
    a puzzled w3ski

  4. That faucet foto calls out for a submission to "I Can Haz Cheezburger" (or whatever the exact name of the KuteKatKaptionz site is.)

  5. Your "idiot cat" stories always make me smile, :)

  6. Lola pulls the faucet scam with us, too. Except that sometimes Miss Princess doesn't actually want to drink, she just wants us to turn on the tap for her amusement. Or rather, it's for her amusement that her two humans actually turn on the tap for her to sit and pose prettily next to it without drinking.

  7. Laura, TMF is *much* too nice a cat to pull such a nasty trick as Lola. He is a big sweet lovable lummox. His first instinct upon meeting any new person is to go up and rub against their legs and meow to get petted, and his first instinct upon meeting any new furry animal is to go up to them and try to groom them. He's just a big sweety pie. But dumb. Ah well!

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  8. It must be a pretty intelligent cat. Nice photo.

  9. My cat moosu does the exact same thing

  10. Gary also has me trained...



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