Saturday, November 08, 2008

Caturday evening tired kitteh blogging

I'm not sure why they're tired, all they did most of the day was take turns on my lap, but here they are taking up half my futon... BTW, Mencken isn't really that big. He's just fluffy. Like I said, he's six pounds lighter than The Mighty Fang (or should I say, the mighty lump of flying blubber, given his propensity for bold leaps to the tops of bookcases and such?).

My day was generally taken up with running errands. I found out that even in the middle of a credit crisis American Express was happy to add me as a member with a big credit line (I got tired of writing checks at Costco and all they take is their AmEx), I bought some more stuff at Costco (a buncha Kleenexes, some laundry detergent, and some dishwasher detergent -- I'm now going to have clean clothes and dishes for the next five years, heh!), and I bought a buncha washers and shit at Orchard Supply to space out the spare tire bumpers on the back of my Jeep so they actually touch the spare tire to keep it from wobbling and pulling out the bolts holding the spare mount to the tailgate (because my black steel wheels have less backspacing than the originals, meaning that they're further out towards the outside). Unfortunately it started raining then, so I didn't get to actually install them... I'm going to use pieces of old inner tube (from my motorcycle) as gaskets between the washers and the body of my tailgate to keep the paint from rubbing through but I wasn't doing anything in the rain. Huh, a penguin afraid of the rain, what a wuss, huh? Maybe my cats are rubbing off on me there :-).

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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