Saturday, November 01, 2008


The problem with pain is that it makes your head crazy and incoherent until you can't even write a decent blog post. I'm waiting for some ibuprofens and antihistamine to take effect to deal with a nasty sinus headache. I wrote a new bluesy song last night that I wanted to finish recording, I need to fix some vocals where I flubbed the lyrics and add some harmonica where it needs it, but that's completely out of the question right now.

I will go read another book, luckily I made a library run today...

-- Badtux the Head-exploded Penguin


  1. feel better, migraines are the worst....

  2. I am so sorry BadTux..I know your pain.

    On a happier note...blues is my music of choice..I hope you get to finish it very soon.

  3. That is miserable. I hope you feel better soon.

    I am impressed that you can read. When I have a really bad headache is the only time I cannot. I can only lay there (lie there?) and wish to die.

  4. Well I hope the sickness goes away fast.


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